My Progress
I'm walking 350 kms this month to leave MS behind

My Progress
356 KMS

My target
350 KMS
Support my challenge to leave MS behind!
I’m taking part in The May 50K. I will be taking on 50km throughout May and leaving my limits behind to raise funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis and better access to treatments!
There are over 130,000 people in the UK living with MS and I need your help to leave MS where it belongs, behind us.
You can now support this work in the UK and around the World because The May 50K supports the MS Society UK and the MS International Federation. I’ve accepted the challenge to change lives.
Please make a donation to support my challenge.
Thank you so much!
Thank you to my Sponsors

Brian And Kathleen Clark

Steven Dawson
well done

Ryan Deighton
Good luck

Neil Salt
Good luck 😁👍🏻

John Hood

Ethan Bennett
Best of luck well done so far !

Steve Botham

James Long

Hilary Walton

Paulina, Wendy, Sue
Good luck Emma.

Wayne Overfield
Good luck

Steven Robinson
Hi Emma I no longer work the with I'm hope you can hear a little work in jabbers ear when you next in xxxxxx ha ha all the best hun x

John Holberry
Good luck

Tomasz Naborczyk
Good Luck!

Graham Sinton

Evie Oxtoby
Go on mum you got this! Lots of love eve and cal xxx

Rich Ling
Good luck,

Dave Jackson

Stuart Knowles

Leslie Johnstone
Good luck emma

Ian Blanshrd
Good Luck

Shane Lightowler

Gary Connar
Good luck

Andrew Smith
Good luck me old 👍🏻

James Farnsworth
Well done

Nick Clark

Tom Rispin

Alex Pilling
Good on ya. 👍

Neil Booker
Good luck em

David Rundle


Jimmy Calvert
Good luck Emma 👍🏼

Susan Tayler
Good luck 🤞 woman!

You'll smash it Em ❤️

Christine Andrews
Good Luck Emma your determination will get you through

Levi Atkinson

James Rivard

Mark Clark
Go girl...xxx

Mark Thompson

Chris Hearn
Good luck 👍

Gloria Harrison
Your first £10 x
Good luck Emz.xxx