Celine, Gareth, Dougie, Ivy, Alfie, Iris, Seth, Charlie

My Progress

I'm walking 50 kms this month to leave MS behind

My Progress

50 KMS

My target

50 KMS

Support our challenge to leave MS behind!

Celine is currently awaiting a formal diagnosis for MS following months of tests, scans and ill health. MRI scans have shown MS is highly likely but another MRI in May is required to receive the official diagnosis. As a family we have decided to participate in the May 50k to raise money for MS research. We would be grateful for any donation you can give xx

We are taking part in The May 50K. We will be taking on 50km throughout May and leaving our limits behind to raise funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis and better access to treatments! 

There are over 130,000 people in the UK living with MS and we need your help to leave MS where it belongs, behind us.

You can now support this work in the UK and around the World because The May 50K supports the MS Society UK and the MS International Federation. I’ve accepted the challenge to change lives.

Please make a donation to support our challenge.

Thank you so much!

My Updates

15km to go

4km walk this evening and we’ve hit 35km total. It is definitely tiring but working together helps! 

Half way …

An evening 5km walk takes us to 25km in our first week. As Dougie and Ivy head off to their dads tomorrow we’ve had to do more this week. It’s certainly been a challenge but everyone has done so well. 

And we’re off…

2km walk this morning - well done team xx

Just over a week to go....

With just over a week to go before we start, we are planning how we are going to get our 50k in on top of our normal steps. I am now regularly suffering with migraines so it will be a challenge but we are determined to do it. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Celine Diment

From Nanny and Pop


The Fords

Brilliant work! Well done x


Lucy Bargery

Amazing what you are all doing! 🙌🏻 Proud of you lovely! Lots of love , Lucy ♥️


Justine Lister

Good luck and well done xx


Kerri Et Al. X

Great work team! X


Natalie Kingsmill

Good luck with the fundraising, so great everyone is part of it. Much love to you Celine xxxx


Rebecca Patch

Good luck Celine! Sending our love x


Eliza Banks

Good Luck - Thinking of you all! Ivy, I’m super proud! Love Miss Banks


The Healeys

Best of luck with everything x


Marion Rawle

Myself and nan have donated, hope you are well, and all goes well when you all walk love to everyone X X X X X 💕😍❤️🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘


Charlotte Fox

Good luck! Love from the Foxes! Xx



You and everyone doing it with you, have got this. You are an incredible human, there nothing impossible you can't do. True inspiration..


Paul Marshall


Frank Follis

Best of Luck Celine


Louise Robinson

Go Neeny, Go! From the Robinsons big and small xxx


Zarina Sahni

Very proud of you Collie Coolie.


Humphrey Bourne


David Holmes


Ellie P

Good luck with the run and hope to catch up next time we are in SW




Lindsay Quantrill

Best of luck Celine


Joanne Flynn

Best of luck and best wishes, Celine xx


Michael Snow

Good luck Neeny. Great stuff. Xx


Hannah Fallows

Thinking of you Celine- what an amazing thing you’re doing x


Gemma Neffgen

So sorry to hear about your diagnosis Celine, but amazing you are doing the May 50k! Sending lots of love and positive energy your way!


La Roches

Brave and amazing lady. Enjoy the family time 💗


Celia Snow

Fantastic cause! Go for it..

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