Our Workplace

We've raised


To leave MS Behind

We've logged


Of 500KMS Goal

Support our challenge to leave MS behind!

We're taking part in The May 50K. We will be taking on 50km throughout May and leaving our limits behind to raise funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis and better access to treatments! Lucy and Sangeet will be doubling up and running 100km.

There are over 130,000 people in the UK living with MS and I need your help to leave MS where it belongs, behind us.

You can now support this work in the UK and around the World because The May 50K supports the MS Society UK and the MS International Federation. We’ve accepted the challenge to change lives.

Please make a donation towards our fundraiser today and support our team challenge. Thank you for your support!  

Thank you to our Sponsors


James Hartley-bond

Good work buddy. A cause you know is close to my heart. Go well!


Helena Houghton

Well done lovely xx


Lorraine Carolan

Great cause- all the very best


Julie Brobbin

Go girl


Polly And Tirath

Good luck Sangeet! Love Polly and Tirath x


Pal Sanghera


Chloe Cheung



Go smash it Lucy! Good luck!


Peter Wallis

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