Jonathan Backhouse

My Progress

I'm walking 50 kms this month to leave MS behind

My Progress

50 KMS

My target

50 KMS

Support my challenge to leave MS behind!

I’m taking part in The May 50k.  

Earlier this year I turned 50.  Therefore, I intend to walk 50k—in one day—to raise £5k; date to be confirmed. 

There are over 130,000 people in the UK living with MS, and I need your help to leave MS where it belongs, behind us.  You can now support this work in the UK and around the World because The May 50K supports the MS Society UK and the MS International Federation. 

Please donate to support my challenge: For my 50th, to walk 50k—in one day—to raise £5k!

Thank you so much!


(Diagnosed with MS in 2011: I have MS, MS does not have me!)

My Updates

Yesterday (Sunday, 5 May) I achieved my goal to walk (over) 50 k in a day.

From Thorpe Thewles railway station to Dalton Park (and back), following the National Cycle Route.


Amazed to have reached 10% of my fundraising goal this week!  Thank you all. 

This week's training has gone well; some brisk short walks and a longer 20k walk were achieved. 

Update 2

Training is going well (finally back on track). At the end of last week, I completed my longest walk so far, 36km. Donations have reached over £400; thank you to all who have donated so far.

Update 1

Thank you for supporting and sharing my sponsorship details.  I’m so grateful.   In the first week, I’ve almost raised 10% of my target.  
Next month I’ll be walking 50k in one day, to raise £5k.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Keep going with the good job, Dr Backhouse!


Rebecca Atkins



Well done Jonathan



Well done




Claire Stockley

Congratulations on the walk and all the best with the fundraising.


University Centre Quayside


Cash Gifts


Carly Hughes

Well done Jonathan, what an incredible cause!


Angus Kerr


Charles Vickers

Well done, keep it up.




Rachel Levinsohn

Well done x


David Emerton


Martin E

Well done Jonathan. Great to see your great charitable work for such a good cause.


Anthony Kerr



Well done 👏


Svetlana Relton

Good luck and well done!


Angela Collinson

Well Done Jonathan!


Melanie Bullock

Well done! Such an achievement.


Carl & Nima

All the best for the walk Jonathan! C&N Harris


Richard Rick Bate

As promised, you will receive a second donation upon successful completion of your marathon walk.


Chris Kerr

Well done Bro


Julie Lofts

Well done Jonathan!


Bede Consulting Ltd

Well done mate, I’ll do the next one with you.


K Rye

Amazing effort!!


Sarah H

You can do it Jonathan 👍


Eileen Holmes

Good luck


John Bones

Great to meet you today and to hear your story. Hope you got fed and watered at Dalton park. This is a great cause, I hope you raise loads for it.


John & Sheila Kerr

Good luck - keep walking but come home!


Janet Todd

Good luck! X


Ray Chester


Richard Stockley

Best of luck Jonathan


Sheena Sukul

Good Luck Jonathan!




Rachel Storey

Well done with the training, good luck for the day!


Sandra H

Good uck Jonathan and hope it goes brilliantly.


Michael Deary

Good luck Jonathan, great cause.




Alison Milner


Robert Gilpin


Janet Hole


Richard Bate

I am certain that you will exceed your physical and financial targets Jonathan - my sincerest best wishes.



Linda B

Wishing you wins at your back and sunshine on your face. Good on you Jonathan.





I turn 50 later in the year and should be doing the same!


Dave Mcpherson

Excellent work Jonathan, love the 'I Have MS, MS Does not have me!' Good luck in both your fundraising and the event itself!


Neil Fisher

Great challenge for a great cause!

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