My Progress
I'm running 150 kms this month to leave MS behind

My Progress
150 KMS

My target
150 KMS
Support my challenge to leave MS behind!
I’m taking part in The May 50K. I will be taking on 50km throughout May and leaving my limits behind to raise funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis and better access to treatments!
There are over 130,000 people in the UK living with MS and I need your help to leave MS where it belongs, behind us.
You can now support this work in the UK and around the World because The May 50K supports the MS Society UK and the MS International Federation. I’ve accepted the challenge to change lives.
Please make a donation to support my challenge.
Thank you so much!
Thank you to my Sponsors

Alice Campbell

Alison Hawthorne

Sam & Evelyn

David Hendron

Hamper Donated By Tesco Craigavon

Noel And Pamela Laird
Go Nicola, we are so proud of you!🏃♀️💕

Thomas And Wendy Hull
So proud of you Nicola well done😘

Aaron, Jennifer & Girls
So proud of you Nicola👏👏💕

Emma Magowan
Well done Nicola!!

Jenna Johnston
Well done Nicola, you smashed it!

Alison Walker
Well done Nicola x

Anna, Aaron, Toby And Lydia
Well done Nicola!! You're amazing!!! Love Anna, Aaron, Toby and Lydia xox


Andy Hull
Smashing it Nicola!

Julie Wilson
Very proud of you Nicola! Love Phillip, Julie & Dylan x

Sylvia Johnston
All the best for your run Nicola,you are amazing. Lots of love Sylvia and Andy xx

Gillian Hanna
Well done Nicola lots of love xx

Go team Timola! 🏅🚶♀️🚶♂️ Well done so far guys! 👏🏼🌟


Phil Black

Tony Canniford
Good luck Nicola

Sonya Joyce
Yay well done. Love Sonya, Aby and Cora

Ashleen M Blom

Karena Ingram
Keep up the good runs yous are doing great! 👍

Caroline Ingram

Karen Lennon-michulka
Best of luck


Nathan And Katie
Go on Nicola!!! 🎉

George And Elizabeth Hull
Good luck Nicola, both very proud of you!!

Fiona Hamill

Kerry Boyd
Go Nicola!

Tim Lowry

Daniel, Lynsey, Lillie & Phoebe
So proud of you 💖

Caroline Mcelduff-kelly
Good luck Nicola, You will smash it. No bother to you. X



Mark Mccarthy
Good luck!

Rachel Freeburn
Cheering both you and Tim on!! You can do it!!!

Nial Mcelhatton

Jennifer Kennedy
Good for you Nicola, good luck xxxxxx

Mirella Black

Beverly Boyd

Anne Thompson
Good luck

Laura Kane

Christina Patterson
Good luck Nic, you’ve got this!!!
Well Done girl! What an achievement!🎉🤩