

My Progress

I'm moving 200 kms this month to leave MS behind

My Progress

210 KMS

My target

200 KMS

Support my challenge to leave MS behind!

I’m taking part in The May 50K. I will be taking on 50km throughout May and leaving my limits behind to raise funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis and better access to treatments! 

There are over 130,000 people in the UK living with MS and I need your help to leave MS where it belongs, behind us.

You can now support this work in the UK and around the World because The May 50K supports the MS Society UK and the MS International Federation. I’ve accepted the challenge to change lives.

Please make a donation to support my challenge.

Thank you so much!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Steve & Jan Care

Well done stuart love steve and Jan


Alastair Harries

Good luck Stuart


Anthony Clark

Keep inspiring and great to see you, Stuart.


Sandy Collier

Keep fighting Foxy! We are with you x


Brenda Fox


Thomas Ilott


Sam Wayers

Well done Stuart.


Colin Gwynne

Well done Stu a fantastic achievement


Gillian Markland-zuiderwijk

Well done Stuart!! Fantastic effort!! 👏💪



Keep rowing! You are making a difference to the MS Society!



Well done mate!



Keep up the good work Stuart your smashing it


Julie Cochrane

Best of luck Stuart! Bravo :)


Merin Schrinel

Continually impressed with your dedication & achievements! You got this!


Matt O’connor

You’re a great ambassador mate ! All the best for the May 50K Matt & Julia


Michael Shillabeer

Go for it 2nd row partner ! I’m planning on rowing in your wake !


Tom Vandini

Way to keep at it on all levels, Stuart!


Helen Mulholland


Kay Meloy

Good Luck Stuart!


Peter Ridd


Peter Thorpe

Fight the good fight Foxy


Good Luck Foxy


Steve Cook

Best of luck Foxy !


Dick Ayres

Bravo Stuart, keep up the great work, you are an inspiration for so many.


Edward Wilson


Susie Nicholson

Well done Stuart!



You are inspirational! Good luck in the challenge, Stuart!


Steve Johnson

Good luck Foxy!


Neal Mcadam


Richard And Liz Kemsley

Fantastic effort Stuart.Hope to catch up soon.




Glenn Robinson

Good luck Stuart, I’m sure you’ll smash it.


Jane Haavaldsen


Burak Darcan

Good luck dear friend, you are the best ambassador for the fight against MS!


Sue Firth

I know you can do it again Stuart. You're such an inspiration x



Hey, ho! Let's go!! Give your best and It will be worthy!!!




Doreen Ransom


Steven Vermeulen

Very Proud of You Stewart !


Mark Neville

Go for it Stuart. You can smash this one.


Da Costa Lobo Pierre

En avant Stuart!!


Brian Bissett



Thanks for all of your inspiration Stuart, I know you are going to rock this!

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